Chicks bound for Maridi
Jonathon Pound

MAF pilots deliver 600 fluffy passengers to missionary in South Sudan who combines sharing the gospel with farming skills.

When the unusual cargo was collected at Yambio airfield in South Sudan, the boxes of tiny passengers were on their second flight of the day having flown all the way from Uganda with Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot Dave.

MAF South Sudan pilot Jono then flew the 600 baby chickens to Reverend Park, a missionary from South Korea who has worked in Maridi for the past ten years - combining his love of telling people about Jesus with a ministry raising chickens for eggs. 

Reverend Park receiving his chicks and Maridi Airport
Jono Pound
On Saturday, Rev Park invites around 800 children and young people to hear Bible stories and sing songs. He has endless enthusiasm and energy for his ministry - and such a heart for the people he serves. It’s great that MAF can support this work!
John Feil, Operations Support Project Manager

Jono says: ‘It was a fun to fly so many little passengers. They were all chirping as I opened the pod! Each box weighed barely 2kg so it was very light - but very fun freight!’

He had warm words for Rev Park as he helped unload the baby chickens. 

‘I love Reverend Park’s mission and getting to serve him with our flights. It was a pleasure to fly him!’ Jono adds. 

Pilot Jono Pound unloads chicks from his plane at Maridi Airport
Jonathon Pound

A few weeks ago, during a visit to Maridi, MAF’s Flight Operations Project Manager John and Dispatch Team Leader Titus had the pleasure of visiting Rev Park’s farm. 

‘It was really well organised with lots of happy healthy chickens!’ John says. 

Dispatcher Thomas Titus and Operations Project Manager Feil in Maridi
John Feil
Rev Parks Chickens produce some of the best eggs in South Sudan
John Feil

John learned more about the outreach activities happening on the farm - which not only provides an income for locals but is a place they can bring their children to learn about Jesus.   

‘On Saturday, he invites around 800 children and young people to hear Bible stories and sing songs. He has endless enthusiasm and energy for his ministry - and such a heart for the people he serves. It’s great that MAF can support this work!’ says John, a former Chemistry teacher. 

More than 800 children come to Rev Parks Saturday Bible Club
Reverend Park

Dispatch Team leader Thomas Titus explains what the ministry means to his home community of Maridi. 

‘Reverend Park has trained lots of the locals and given them skills in poultry farming so they can use to support themselves by raising chickens,’ says Thomas. ‘He is doing a great work discipling some of the local young men so they can do ministry. He also employs many people on his farm. Having a job allows some of his workers to continue studying in school. 

‘The children who come to his Saturday Bible outreaches each receive an egg – which is very nutritious, full of protein and helps them to grow.  Thanks to his ministry, even the boys and girls know about Jesus and the importance of nutrition too.   

‘I really like his approach. That kind of practical skills is what people lack. He is showing people that there is money in farming if you go about it the right way.’ 

Pilot Jono Pound unloads chicks in Maridi
Jonathon Pound
It was a fun to fly so many little passengers. They were all chirping as I opened the pod! Each box weighed barely 2kg so it was very light - but very fun freight!
Pilot Jono Pound